Choices For Weight Loss
Choose-it’s your choice
Healthy-a healthy lifestyle
Options-eat to live or live to eat
Informed-this website will help to inform
Choices-healthier foods and exercise
Success for permanent weight loss
Welcome to our new site. The
site is still under construction
and hopefully will be added to
weekly. Feel free to browse
around and maybe leave a
message on the board.
This site is about
understanding the right
choices of food to loose weight
and keep it off. Climbing out of
the pit of entrapment from
making the wrong choices of
refined, processed
carbohydrates, harmful fats,
and sugar filled foods.
When first looking at some of
the ideas on this site you may
think they are extreme. But are
they? Choices, we make them.
Do we choose the food for life, or the foods for our bodies to accumulate fat, and
place us at a higher risk of illness and disease?
Obesity is the main concern on this site, but it can also be informative to people
that are just a little overweight. All the pieces of the puzzle working together for
the bottom line….permanent weight loss. Water, low fat diet (less than 45 grams
of fat per day), whole grains, legumes(beans, peas and lentils), fruits &
vegetables, and a stable blood sugar. There is more information under "Obesity
Facts" about stabilizing blood sugar.
Getting back to the basics is a key to the
puzzle. That is eating natural foods as they are
grown and yes a vegetarian diet except for fat
free dairy products and egg whites. China for
instance has a plant-based diet and has little
concerns of obesity, heart disease and other
major chronic diseases . For years I have
struggled to keep the weight off only to lose it
and gain it back time and time again. The
information on this site gave me the keys to
unlock the mystery of the puzzle. To better understand why it's so difficult to
obtain permanent weight loss if you are obese.
Those things that taste so good, took me down
the obesity road. Like my saying never enough,
never too much. Sure in the past I have used
food for a crutch. It's what’s eating you rather
than what your eating. But is that statement
true? When I used food for a crutch it was the
pleasure food, junk foods, processed
carbohydrates, high calorie, and sugar filled
ones. These foods continued to spark the
cravings, never enough. Even the artificial
sweeteners played a role in keeping that sweet tooth and cravings alive and
well, taking me down that straight and broad path of obesity.
This site a no-nonsense, zero-gimmicks desiring
to help others in the difficult fight of making the right food choices for
health. It is a difficult fight if you have a body
that wants to store fat rather than to metabolize it. Yes it's a fight if you have tastes
for all the wrong foods; yes it's a fight with those fast food and convenience
foods on every corner and the thousands of food commercials on television that
try to draw you in. Yes it's difficult when food labels are misleading.
But I have a Choice!
8 Glasses per Day
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